Namaste, In this article, we are going to discuss the Birth Chart Analysis Of Digital Marketer which will be a detailed Horoscope Case study for the students of Vedic Astrology. Nowadays Digital Marketing & Marketers are in great demand starting from doing promotions of one’s personal business to large-scale businesses
The Horoscope analysis is published with permission from the Digital Marketer for the purpose of benefiting the Vedic Astrology Community. We have kept the name & personal details blank in order to protect the privacy of the native.
So without further Ado, let us start the Birth Chart Analysis

Birth Chart Analysis of a Digital Marketer: Case Study -1

This Birth Chart Analysis is of a gentleman who was born in the early ’90s with Kark Lagna(Cancer Ascendant) with its lord Moon in the 8th house Aquarius with 7th & 8th lord Saturn. Being born in Kark Lagna, the native is highly attached to his mother. The First House or Lagna signifies one’s body, mind, emotions, health, fame, etc.
The sign Cancer is highly emotional & the placement of the Lagna Lord Moon in the 8th house made the native sensitive & emotional in nature.
Lagna being occupied by the planet Sun & Mercury gave rise to “Nipuna Yoga”. Now lets us see what Shri Varahamihira Acharya has said in Brihat Jataka on “Nipuna Yoga”

Varahamihira says the native with such yoga will have many skills, will be highly intelligent, will have fame & will be happy
A Digital Marketer should be very creative & should be able to make quick decisions. Nipuna Yoga will help in making a great difference in the birth chart of a Digital Marketer.
Lagna is occupied by the 2nd Lord Sun which will make the native a self-made without looking for any short cuts. But the placement of the 12th lord mercury in the first house alerts to keep control over the expenditure side.
So what does the placement of Sun in the first house of a Birth Chart mean as per Vedic Astrology?
Well, Varahamihira in Brihat Jataka has given an explanation to it in Chapter-20-Stanza-1

Varahamihira says the placement of Sun in the First house will make the native very courageous(Shoora), one who consumes a lot of time to finish something, one with defective eyesight, etc.
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What Does The Birth Chart Say About His Career As A Digital Marketer?

In the Birth Chart, a career should be analyzed from the 6th & 10th houses. The 10th house should be significantly strong & should have a connection with the Laabha Staana (11th house- Gains, Source of Income),2nd house(wealth)& Lagna to gain from clients or the public.
From the 6th house of a Birth Chart, an Astrologer should judge one’s day-to-day Job & activities.
The 10th house which is known as the Karma Staana, signifies one’s profession, fame, reputation, etc.
So in this Birth Chart, Mars is the 5th & 10th house is placed in the 3rd house of Mercury with the 6th & 9th lord Jupiter. Mars is the Yogakaraka planet as it rules the Kendra(10th house-Aries) as well as Trikona house(5th house- Scorpio). A Yogakaraka planet will always do good & will help the native to get success in life.
The 5th house signifies the creativity of the native. Mars as the lord of the 5th house in the 3rd house Virgo(Kanya Rashi) made the native creative, finishes all his works very quickly. Apart from that, the Yogakaraka Planet Mars occupies the 3rd house with the Bagyadipa(Lordship of Luck)Jupiter as shown in the (Fig-1)
9th house is also known as Dharma Staana(righteousness)& the combination of the Karma lord(Mars) with the Dharma lord gave rise to Karma Dharma Yoga. The person with this yoga is always generous, honest & will act wisely. Such people can always be trusted.
The 3rd house Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. From the 3rd house signifies courage, valor, writings, actions which are the key factor to success, younger siblings, etc. So the 3rd house is occupied by the 9th & 6th lord Jupiter(Luck) & the Yogakaraka planet Mars.
The native with Karma Dharma yoga will have to struggle & work hard to improve the luck factor.
It says the native will succeed through his creativity (5th house), hard work (3rd house) & the luck (9th house) will favor him. Jupiter- Mars conjunction has blessed the native with Leadership qualities.
Moon Lagna Analysis In A Birth Chart (Chandra Lagna)

Now let us analyze the Birth Chart from the Moon Lagna (Chandra Lagna). In (Fig-2) the Rashi lord Saturn is placed in the same house itself ensures, the native will lead a successful life after the age of 36.
From the Moon Lagna, the 3rd & the 10th lord Mars is placed in the 8th house with the 2nd & 11th lord Jupiter says the native will get success & gains from hard work.
Venus being the 4th & 9th lord becomes a Yogakaraka planet & it is placed in the 5th house of communication, arts, music, etc. Venus in the sign of Mercury will make the native extremely creative & artistic in nature.
So counted from Lagna & moon, the 5th house is seen strong.
The 10th house is occupied by Vargottama & Exalted Rahu, which again says about the online business & Rahu in the sign Scorpio will give more connections in foreign countries.
So the connections of the 10th house,6th house, 5th House, Rahu, Mars, Jupiter is clearly evident in both Lagna as well as from Moon Lagna analysis.
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Navamsa Chart Analysis In A Birth Chart

Navamsa Chart plays a vital role in the Birth Chart Analysis. As per my past 12 years of practical experience, I have found the Navamsa chart as very effective in determining the strength & weaknesses of a planet.
The strength of the Birth Chart completely depends on the placement of planets in the Navamsa Chart.
In the D1 chart, Mars is the Yogakarka planet & sees the placement of Exalted Mars in the Navamsa Chart. The strong Mars blessed the native with high energy & do more hard work to achieve his goals in the Digital Marketing Industry.
The strength of the Birth Chart completely depends on the placement of planets in the Navamsa Chart.
In the D1 chart, Mars is the Yogakarka planet & sees the placement of Exalted Mars in the Navamsa Chart. The strong Mars blessed the native with high energy & do more hard work to achieve his goals in the Digital Marketing Industry.
Exalted Mars in the Navamsa Chart. The strong Mars blessed the native with high energy & do more hard work to achieve his goals in the Digital Marketing Industry.
Rahu has a significant role in social media & online business. In this birth, Rahu is exalted, is in Vargottama & its depositor Mars is the Karmadipa (10th Lord) & 5th lord(creativity, decisions) is in the house of communication(3rd house) with Jupiter.
Apart from that, the native is going through the Maha Dasha of the 3rd house depositor Mercury. This is how a birth chart should be analyzed & so it will be very easy to do predictions for an Astrologer.
In the next chapter, you will learn more in detail about Rahu.
Importance of Rahu In Birth Chart Analysis of a Digital Marketer.

In my horoscope research of Digital Marketers, I have found out that Rahu is the key significator planet of online business, marketing, foreign deals & relationships. The strength of Rahu in the Birth Chart is the key factor to be analyzed. The result of Rahu will completely be depending on;
#1) The placement of its depositor planet.
#2) Aspect or conjunction of strong Jupiter or Venus.
#3) The sign is occupied by Rahu.
Now we will discuss the sign where Rahu is strong & gives benefic results. Jataka Parijataka -Chapter-2- Stanza- 48 says the Sanskrit stanza are as below;
- Mesha- Aries (Mesh Rashi)
- Alee- Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi)
- Kumbha- Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)
- Taruni- Virgo (Kanya Rashi)
- Vrisha- Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)
- Karkideshu- Cancer (Kark Rashi)
- Meshooranam- 10th house
So Rahu is strong in Aries, Scorpio, Aquarius, Virgo, Taurus, Cancer & when Rahu is placed in the 10th house.
If Rahu is weak or badly afflicted in one’s birth chart, the native may either fall into a scam or will be a scammer depending on the placement of Rahu’s depositor. Rahu is a shadowy planet(Chaaya Graha), one who indulges in gambling & loves to cheat others if Rahu is badly afflicted.
This may be the main reason, 80% of the Digital marketing industry is filled with more scammers.
Vimshottari Dasha Analysis.
The native is currently going through the Maha Dasha of Mercury, which started on 08.06.2017 & will end on 09.06.2034.
As we discussed earlier Mercury is the 3rd & 12th lord is in Lagna with 2nd Lord Sun forming Nipuna Yoga. Mercury is the depositor planet of the strong Mars- Jup conjunction.
The Dasa lord seems to be strong due to the Vargottama position in the Birth Chart.
Which Segment of Digital Marketing Should The Native Give More Focus?
The native will make his fortune if he can help people, who live in a distant land, especially in Southwestern & Western countries.
By seeing the placement of 11th lord Venus in the 12th house, I found out that his main source of income & gains are from distant countries.
He completely agreed to my prediction & he said: “90% of my income is from the United States”.
Apart from that, the 10th lord either counted from Lagna or Moon Lagna which is the planet Mars is placed in the sign Virgo(Paradesha Rashi).
In Brihat Jataka, Varahamihira terms the Virgo sign(Kanya Rashi) as “Paradesha Rashi” also says he will work for people who live in faraway places.
The 3rd house is writing & the 9th house is publishing. Jupiter is the significator of Sound & so the native is famous & well known for creating Podcasts in his regional language.
The Birth Chart looks extremely promising, but the native will have to work on his emotions since the moon is the karaka for the mind is found in the 8th house with the 8th lord Retrograde Saturn.
This combination will bring up sudden mood swings & depressions. Moon is a watery planet & its placement in the Kumb Rashi will give rise to Vaata & Kapha element in the body.
These elements can be easily neutralized with regular Yogic or Meditations practices.
I will be updating the article by adding more Birth Charts Analysis of Digital Marketers in the future.

Humble Request
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