Namaste, The article will be an in-depth analysis of the Astrological Predictions for US Presidential Elections 2020 using Parashari, Jaimini Astrology & Prashna(Horary Astrology). I got numerous questions from my clients & friends, asking about my views on The US presidential elections 2020 which are:-
- What does Vedic Astrology say about Donald Trump becoming the president in 2020?
- Will Donald Trump get reelected again in the US Presidential Elections 2020?
- Who will be the next US president in 2020 as per Vedic astrology?
- What are the chances for Joe Biden to win the US Presidential elections in 2020?
- Can you do a Prashna Horoscope Analysis on the Democrats & Republicans?
So I have decided to do an in-depth analysis of these questions & will explain in detail.
So without any further ado, let’s start the analysis:-

- Horoscope Analysis of Donald Trump for US Presidential Elections 2020
- Jaimini Astrological Analysis of Donald Trump for US Elections 2020.
- Prashna Horoscope Analysis of Donald Trump
- Horoscope Analysis of Joe Biden
- Prashna Horoscope Analysis of Joe Biden For US Presidential Elections 2020
- Kamala Devi Harris
- Horoscope Analysis of Kamala Harris
- Prashna Horoscope Analysis of Kamala Harris For US Presidential Elections 2020
- Final thoughts on Astrological Predictions for US presidential elections 2020.
Horoscope Analysis of Donald Trump for US Presidential Elections 2020

Donald Trump was born in the Leo Ascendant with its lord Sun in the 10th house with Rahu in Taurus aspected by the 5th & 8th lord Jupiter(Retrograde) from the 2nd house. This shows his inborn leadership qualities.
Currently, Mr. Trump is going through the Vimshottari Maha Dasha period of Retrograde Jupiter & Bhukti(sub-period) of Saturn.
The Bhukti lord Saturn who is the lord of the 6th & 7th maraka houses placed in the 12th house with 3rd & 10th Venus. The Bhukti period of Saturn started on 10-05-2018 & will run till 24-11-2020.
Unfortunately, the US Presidential Election is scheduled to happen in the period of the 12th occupant Saturn which shows serious disappointments.
In the Navamsa chart, Saturn & Venus is in Vargottama in the house of a bitter enemy Moon. The placement of Saturn in Cancer(Kark Rasi)shows signs of serious mental depression.
The Lagna Lord Sun & the bhukti lord Saturn is 3-11 position in the Rasi chart & the same in the navamsa chart.
So what’s next coming up for Mr. Trump?
Wait I will explain everything in detail. Let’s see the transit chart in the month of Nov 2020.
I would request all Vedic Astrology lovers to please note down the below points which is the most important part of the article.
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Planetary Transit Chart Analysis of Donald Trump

Important Note:-
# 1) On 20-11-2020, Jupiter who is the Maha Dasha lord moves into the deep debilitated state in Capricorn(Makar Rasi) & joins with Saturn.
# 2) Jupiter who is the lord of the 5th & 8th houses from Lagna transits the natal 6th house & conjuncts with the 6th & 7th Maraka lord Saturn.
# 3) Now Jupiter & Saturn in the natal 6th house aspects the natal 12th house(Cancer) & natal 12th house occupant Saturn & Venus.
# 4) The Bhukti Lord Saturn transits the 6th house with the 5th & 8th lord Jupiter who is debilitated.
# 5) Jupiter+ Saturn combine aspect over the 12th house and activates the 12th house.
So both the horoscope & planetary transit chart of Donald Trump shows inauspicious results in the 2020 US Presidential Elections.
Now let us see what Jaimini Astrology says about his chart.
Jaimini Astrological Analysis of Donald Trump for US Elections 2020.
Jaimini Karaka | Planets |
AK | Sun |
AMK | Moon |
BK | Jupiter(R) |
MK | Mercury |
PK | Mars |
GK | Venus |
DK | Saturn |

As per Jaimini Astrology analysis, Donald Trump is going through the Chara Dasa of Cancer(Kark Rasi) which started on 14-06-2018 & will last till 14-06-2026.
The cancer sign is the 12th house in the horoscope of Mr. Trump, which shows all kinds of miseries, losses & expenditures.
The Chara Dasha of the 12th house always brings all kinds of inauspicious events, which is quite clear from Jaimini Astrological Analysis.
Jaimini Chara Dasha Analysis of Donald Trump

As per Jaimini Chara Dasha Analysis, trump is currently going through the Chara Dasha of the 12th house Cancer & Bhukti of Pisces which is the 8th house. There are a few important points that needed to be discussed which are:-
- The 12th house signifies losses & 8th house causes insults, health issues, destructive events, etc.
- The Cancer sign lord Moon who is the lord of the running Chara Dasha is found debilitated in the 5th house with Ketu in Scorpio(Vrishchik Rasi).
- Jupiter the lord of the 8th house is placed in the bhadhak sign(Virgo) & gets the aspect of Saturn who is the 12th lord from counted from the 8th house.
- The 5th house from Pisces(Chara Bhukti house) is occupied by Saturn with 3rd & 8th lord Venus who is the Gnati Karaka(GK). Mars & Saturn mutually aspects each other gives rise to “Agnimarutha Yoga” This should be considered to bring serious mental disturbances, agony, insults, etc.
- The placement of the 3rd & 8th lord Venus(GK)in the 5th house with Saturn does all the possible damages to Mr. Trump.
In Navamsa Chart, the 5th house from Pisces(8th house) is having the same Sat-Venus conjunction. Whereas Pisces is occupied by the 5th lord Moon with Ketu & gets aspect of the 6th lord Sun, Rahu & Gulika.
Jupiter who is the Lagna & the 10th lord is placed in the 6th house(Leo) gets the mutual aspect of mercury who is in the 12th house.
So the Jaimini Navamsa analysis again confirms the same negative events which we discussed earlier.
Also Watch the Video: “Astrological Predictions for Tamil Nadu Assembly Elections 2021“
Prashna Horoscope Analysis of Donald Trump
Prashna Horoscope Analysis (Horary Astrology) using cowrie shells was done on 8.8.2020 at 8:14 Am in the kalahora of Jupiter.
The question was:-
Will trump be able to retain his position & get re-elected as the US President?

The Prashna Horoscope chart also shows negative results for Donald Trump. Here is the reason why it is:-
- Aruda sign(Cancer) is an Atho-Mukha Sign where is getting the negative influence of Sun & Retrograde Saturn who is also the lord of the 8th house.
- The 7th house says about the strength of the opposition party where its lord Saturn is placed in its own house & aspects Aruda.
- Aruda being a movable sign (Chara Rasi), Adhomukha, placement of mercury who is the 12th lord(Loss) indicates loss of position & status.
- Aruda Lord Moon placed in the 9th house & gets the aspect of the 7th & 8th lord Saturn, says the loss will badly impact Mr. Trump, psychologically.
- The 10th lord Mars is placed in the 12th house from the 10th(9th house) & gets the malefic aspect of Saturn, which again shows loss of position.
- Jupiter(R) being the 6th & 9th lord in the 6th house with Ketu, took away the Divine grace of the “Prashna chart” (Reference Prashna Marga- Chapter-15th -3rd Sloka). At the same time, Prashna Aruda got blocked” Dhanakshaya Devakopena”
- Udaya Lagna being the sign Leo & its lord Sun placed in the 12th house with 2 & 11th lord Mercury. This again shows a loss of money & position.
- In the Navamsa chart, Libra is the rising sign again a movable sign(Char rasi) which is highly afflicted due to placements of Rahu, Mercury & Aruda lord Moon.
So the Prashna Horoscope Analysis also indicates Inauspicious results for Trump.
Therefore Donald Trump will Loose in US Presidential Elections 2020.
Horoscope Analysis of Joe Biden

As per Jaimini Horoscope Analysis of Joe Biden, currently, he is going through the Chara Dasa of the 2nd house Sagittarius(Dhanu) & the Bhukti period of the 10th house Leo. The Horoscope Seems to be extremely strong, here why it is:-
- Chara Dasha Lord Retrograde Jupiter who is lord of Lagna & the 4th house is Exalted & is in the Vargothama state in the 8th house.
- Mercury who is Ak & Mars the Amk in the 11th house ensures all kinds of gains & Power for Joe Biden.
- The bhukti period of the 10th house Leo where its lord Sun who is the GK(Nyati Karaka) is placed in the 4th house with 3rd & the 10th lord Venus(PK). Apart from that Sun is in Vargottama state with Venus(PK) who is the lord of the 10th house, which ensures power & leadership coming his way.
- The 10th house from Leo(Chara Bhukti Dasa) is occupied by Saturn(BK) who is the lord of the 6th & 7th lord is in mutual aspect with 3rd & 10th lord Venus & Lagna lord Sun.
- 3rd house which signifies valor, communication, etc is in direct connection with Bk Saturn will increase the confidence level of Mr. Biden.
- The Lords of 6-10 houses & Lagna is in Kendra Staana (Quadrant) again show auspicious results in the coming months.
- The 6th & the 7th lord Saturn is in the 11th house with the 11th lord Mercury who is the Atmakaraka planet, with Rahu & the 12th lord Moon who is Matrukaraka(MK).
- Leo which is the Bhukti Dasa sign is aspected by the AK(Atmakaraka) Mercury & Amk(Amatyakaraka) Mars from the 3rd house.
- The 10th house Taurus(Vrishabha sign) & Saturn (PK) gets aspect of Mercury(Ak) & Mars(Amk) from the 3rd house(Libra). Saturn who is the Pk aspects both the Mercury & Mars. The mutual aspects between Taurus & Libra will give rise to a strong Rajyoga which again is a great auspicious sign for Joe Biden.
Even though all odds are against Joe Biden In the current situation, but things will start to turn positive after Sep 13th, 2020.
Prashna Horoscope Analysis of Joe Biden For US Presidential Elections 2020
Prashna Horoscope Analysis (Horary Astrology) using cowrie shells was done on 19.8.2020 at 11:07 Am in the kalahora of Mars.
The question was:-
Will Joe Biden win the US Presidential Elections 2020?

Makar Aruda(Capricorn) was obtained as the Prashna Aruda with its lord Saturn(R) being the lords of 1st & 2nd house is placed in the 1st itself.
Aruda lord being in the aruda itself gives great strength for the Prashna Rasi.
Saturn in the Lagna in its own sign gave rise to “Sasha Maha Yoga” which is one of the most powerful Yog in Panchamahapurusha Yoga.
The strong unafflicted Sasha Mahapurusha Yoga in Prashna Horoscope ensures all the success & it indicates strong support from the majority of the people for Mr. Joe Biden.
Apart from that, Aruda being Urdhamukha Rasi which is stated in Prashna Marga Chapter-8th- 27th sloka is as under:-

The above Sanskrit sloka says if the Aruda is “Urdhamukha Rasi”, then the person concerned will have:-
- All kinds of Success
- Will be famous
- Wealthy
- Will gain a position
So the Prashna Horoscope Analysis confirms Strong Victory for Joe Biden in US Presidential Elections-2020
Kamala Devi Harris
It was on 12th Aug 2020, Joe Biden picks Kamala Harris as running mate in the US Presidential Elections-2020.
Now let us do a comprehensive analysis of her Horoscope.
Horoscope Analysis of Kamala Harris

Kamala Devi Harris aka Kamala Harris was born on 20-10-1964, at 21:28, Oakland, California. Source of Horoscope – Astro Data Bank.
Currently, she is going through the Vimshottari Maha Dasha period of Rahu- Mercury which started on 16-03-2020 & runs till 04-10-2022.
At the time of elections (Nov-3rd), Rahu Dasha –Mercury Bhukti– Venus antra period will be running in the Horoscope of Kamala Harris.
Rahu is placed in Lagna in Mrigashīrsha nakshatra which is owned by the 6th & 11th lord Mars & Mars who is the depositor planet of Rahu is placed in Ardra nakshatra which is ruled by Rahu.
This shows a parivarthana(exchange) between the 6th & 11th lords Mars & Rahu.
Whereas the bhukti lord Mercury placed in the 5th house in Swati nakshatra which is the star ruled by Rahu & again Mars becomes the Shareera(Body) for Rahu.
The antra lord Venus placed in the Pūrva Phalgunī in the 3rd house Leo which is the nakshatra owned by Venus itself. Hence Venus becomes the Jeeva & Shareera(Body)
So the 6th-11th-5th-Lagna-4th-3rd houses are directly connected. Hence Rahu- Mercury period will prove to be highly beneficial & successful for Kamala Harris.
Prashna Horoscope Analysis of Kamala Harris For US Presidential Elections 2020
Prashna Horoscope Analysis (Horary Astrology) using cowrie shells was done on 19.8.2020 at 11:22 Am in the kalahora of Mars.
The question was:-
Astrologically how would Kamala Harris do in the US presidential election 2020?

Meena Aruda(Pisces) was obtained as the Prashna Aruda with its lord Jupiter(R) also being the 10th lord is placed in the 10th house.
The Prashna Horoscope seems to be extremely positive & powerful here why it is:-
- Pisces (Meen Rasi ) being the aruda is a dual sign(Ubhaya Rasi) is a Pristhodaya in the first half & Shirshodaya in the 2nd half. She will have to face lots of allegations, a humiliation in the initial stage & then things will turn positive in the end.
- Jupiter is in the retrograde state till Sep 13th, 2020. So after 13th Sep, all ods will be in her favor.
- Mercury being the bhadhak lord representing her opponent is placed in the 6th house which is the 12th house from the 7th house. This shows the weak situation of her opponents.
- The strong 2nd & 9th lord Mars, who is placed in its own house & it is aspecting by the aruda lord Jupiter. This shows the strong luck factor in favor of Kamala Harris.
- Saturn(R) being the 12th & the 11th lord is placed in the 11th house in Vargottama. This shows strong support from friends, higher officials & the majority of the public
Astrologically what will be the Future of Kamala Harris?
The future of Kamala Harris should be analyzed from the Udaya Lagna(Rising sign) which is sign Libra(Tula). Here the future of Kamala Harris looks extremely strong, here are the reason why it is:-
- Tula Rasi(Libra) with its lord Venus is exalted in the Navamsa chart
- The sign is Urdhamukha Rasi, which is a positive sign.
- The 11th house is occupied by the 11th lord Sun+ 9th & 12th lord Mercury & the 10th lord Moon.
- Lagna lord Venus is placed in the 9th house of luck with Rahu. This shows both negative as well as positive results.
- Saturn in the 4th house in Vargottama is a sign of strong & smooth relations with the public.
Strong Jupiter in the 10th lord in its Moolatrikona sign Sagittarius says the sloka by The great Sage Varahamihira in Brihat Jataka in Chapter 16th-26th Sloka is as under:-

The sloka says the native will be King or Minister or Commander & will be extremely wealthy.
So all these Astrological factors seem to bring auspicious results for Kamala Harris in US Presidential Elections 2020.
Final thoughts on Astrological Predictions for US presidential elections 2020.
So as a conclusion, the Democratic Party will win the US Presidential Elections-2020

Humble Request
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Excellent write-up & well explained sir
Beautifully explained Vivek sir…
Well, beautifully structured article, Hope your predictions become successful…
Thanks a lot, sir for a detailed write-up, so much to learn in Astrology.
Great effort 👌❤️❤️