Namaste, In this article I will be explaining “Saturn In First House For 12 signs In Vedic Astrology”
In the article Saturn In The First House article, I explained the views from the Classical texts of Saturn when placed in the first house Exalted, Swakshetra(In his own house) & when Saturn is placed in the house of a bitter enemy.
Saturn is the Karka lord of the 8th house (Longevity, Ayur Karaka, Death) & so Saturn does not go well with the Lagna Karaka Sun.
Now let us learn about the results of Saturn when occupies the First house in 12 different Rashi.
ऊँ शनैश्चराय नमः

Saturn In The First House For Aries Ascendant (Mesh Lagna)

For Mesh Lagna (Aries) Saturn with the ruler of Karma Staana(10th), Laabha Staana(11) & Saturn is the also the Bhadhaka Planet. Bhadhaka Planet as Saturn in Mesh Rashi says about the pending Karma left behind from previous births. So in this birth, it will have to be cleared when Saturn gets placed in Mesh Rashi.
Saturn is not at all comfortable being placed in the house of a bitter enemy Mars & Mesh Rashi is also the exalted sign of another bitter enemy planet the Sun. The placement of Sun & Saturn placement in a horoscope never goes well.
Saturn in Mesh Lagna is considered to be in Neecha Avastha(Debilitated State) unless it has given Neccha Banga, which will give rise to Neecha Banga Rajayoga.
As we discussed if Saturn for Mesh Lagna will be:
- In Neecha Avastha(Debilitated)
- A Bhadhaka Planet
- In the house of a bitter enemy planet.
Does that mean Saturn for Mesh Lagna is of no use & does only harm?
Not at all, If Saturn is getting the aspect of strong benefic planets such as Venus,& Jupiter, or if Saturn is in the state of Vargothama, the above-said situation will completely change. I would humbly request all Astrology students to vary the position of Saturn before getting into the conclusion.
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Saturn In The First House For Vrishabha Lagna (Taurus Ascendant)

For Vrishabha Lagna Saturn will be the Yoga Karaka Planet as it will be the ruler of the 9th(Trikona) & the 10houses(Kendra). The result will be more pronounced if Yoga Karaka Saturn is placed in Taurus with the Lagna lord Venus. This will be said as a very good disposition of Saturn as per the Classical Texts.
As Lagna being a Sthira Rashi(Fixed sign), unfortunately, Saturn will be the Bhadhaka Planet for Vrishabh Lagna. Any affliction to Saturn can completely turn everything down to negative results. If Saturn becomes Afflicted then, the relationship with father, Spiritual Guru, teachers will be very bad & luck will not be in his or her favor.
Saturn as the 9th lord in Lagna will get benefits from father, will help in the Spiritual journey & Luck will be in favor.
In the Maha Dasa & Bhukti of Saturn, the native will earn very well & will be respected.
Always note that Saturn should be totally free from all afflictions by the malefic planets to get the exact positive results said above.
Saturn In The First House For Gemini Ascendant (Mithun Lagna)

Saturn will be the lord of the 8th(Capricorn-Makar Rashi) & 9th houses(Aquarius-Kumbh Rashi) which is also known as the Bagya Staana(House of Luck) for Mithun Lagna. Lagna lord Mercury goes very well with Saturn & placement of Saturn in Mithun Rashi should be considered as a friendly disposition.
As we learned earlier in the Bhrigu Sutram part, Saturn in the first house for Mithun(Gemini) Lagna will give rise to Maharaja Yoga as shown in the Fig-2 example.
Saturn is the significator of the 8th house & being the 8th lord it will take away the positive results as said for the 9th house for Mithun Lagna. But if Saturn is placed in Mithun Rashi without any malefic aspect or conjunction of malefic planets & gets the aspect of benefic planets then Saturn will give positive results.
My Views: In my past experience with horoscopes, I have not seen any positive results when Saturn is placed in Mithun Lagna. They were usually very dull in nature, very weak by health, very less communicative skills, Alcohol tendencies, dizziness due to excess intake of psychiatric medicines, Lazy, less interest in Spirituality in early years & become highly spiritual in old age. But most of the horoscope was of much badly afflicted Saturn & found only a few with the horoscope of well-placed Saturn. These are my personal observations.
Saturn In The First House For Cancer Ascendant (Kark Lagna).

For Karka Lagna(Cancer Ascendant), Saturn will be the lord of the 7th & 8th houses. Saturn is the bitter enemy of the Lagna lord Moon & placement of Saturn in the watery sign will be considered to bring inauspicious results.
Since Saturn is the 8th lord, health will be a serious concern in the Sade Sati period, Maha Dasha & Antar Dasha, it will give diseases to Kapha & Vaatha(windy). This is not a favorable disposition unless there is an aspect or conjunction of benefic planets.
My Views: Saturn in Karka Lagna gives fear of drowning, brain disorders, mental diseases, lack of proper sleep, always disturbed, troubles from relatives & bad relations with Mother or she may suffer from diseases. Unless there is an aspect of strong benefic planets, Saturn’s negative effects cannot be controlled.
Saturn In The First House For Leo Ascendant (Simha Lagna).

For Simha Lagna(Leo Ascendant) Saturn will be the lord of the 6th & 7th houses. Saturn is the bitter enemy of the Lagna lord Sun & placement of Saturn in here should be considered to bring negative results.
With the lordship of the 6th house, Saturn will be the creator of diseases, legal issues, enmity, etc. Apart from that Saturn is also the lord of the 7th house which makes him a Maraka planet for Simha Lagna Natives.
Simha Rashi is a fiery sign & the windy planet Saturn is not at all comfortable here.
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Saturn In The First House For Virgo Ascendant (Kanya Lagna).

For Kanya Lagna, Saturn will be the lord of the Putra Staana(Progeny) & Shatru Staana(6th house). As said for Mithun Lagna, Saturn in the house of mercury is not considered to bring auspicious unless it is aspected by benefic planets. Being the 5th lord Saturn in Kanya Lagna there will be very late birth of children, the person will look to settle abroad & in far away from the birthplace.
Saturn as the 5th &6th Lord will give strained relationships & find their love very late in life. There will more chances of late marriage as Saturn aspects the 7th house from the Lagna.
My view: Saturn in the house of Mercury gives difficulty in childbirth. This is more seen when Saturn occupies in the 5th house of mercury or Mercury occupies in the 5th house of Saturn.
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Saturn In The First House For Libra Ascendant (Thula Lagna) .

For Thula Lagna, Saturn will have the lordship of 4th(Kendra) & 5th(Trikona) houses, which will make him a Yogakarka Planet. Saturn should be considered to bring auspicious results for the native-born in Thula Lagna[Libra Ascendant].
Apart from that Saturn is exalted in Thula Lagna & so will give rise to Sasa Maha Yoga which will give great results in Saturn Maha Dasa period. Sasha Maha Yoga is one of the most powerful yoga in Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga & it is considered to bring highly auspicious results.
Earlier we learned the views of Shri Varahamihira & Sage Brighu said about Saturn when it is placed in Thula Rashi. I completely agree with their views & I have seen many horoscopes doing very well in their life.
For Thula Lagna, Saturn is the 4th house & it is exalted, so the native will enjoy Vahana Bagya(Luck of vehicles), Land, benefits from relatives, mother, benefits from agriculture & animals. Venus the significator should be strong &also be free from all afflictions to enjoy good vehicles. Same in the case Mars who is the Karaka for Land should be strong & placed well in the horoscope to enjoy benefits from lands & agriculture.
MyView: Always note that Saturn should be free from all malefic aspects & conjunction. The results of Sasa Maha Yoga will be more pronounced if the depositor Venus is also a planet well in the horoscope.
Saturn In The First House For Scorpio Ascendant(Vrischika Lagna).

For Vrischka Lagna Saturn will be the lord of 3rd & 4th houses. This is not at all a comfortable placement for Saturn in the house of a bitter enemy Mars.
VarahaMihira Acharya has stated Vrischik Rashi as SwayamGritha Anartha Rashi which means the native will end up in trouble whatever he does. He has also stated that Saturn in the Vrischik Rashi gives imprisonment.
My View: If Saturn is placed in Vrishchik Rashi(Scorpio Ascendant) with no aspect from benefic planets, then natives will have very difficulty in achieving anything in life, delayed marriage, low paid jobs with no stability & will struggle to meet his day to day expenses.
The person will hold many secrets & will have a revenge nature that will affect many through his actions. The placement of the depositor Lagna lord Mars will decide the results of Saturn in the first house. If Mars is debilitated the native will have a questionable character.
Saturn In The First House For Sagittarius Ascendant (Dhanu Lagna).

Saturn will be the ruler of the 2nd & the 3rd houses. As we learned earlier in Bhrigu Sutram, which states Saturn in Dhanu Lagna will give to Maha Rajayoga.
Saturn is a friend of the Lagna lord Jupiter & will not cause much harm if Saturn is placement without any malefic aspect or conjunction.
My View: Sagittarius is the sign known for fights or war. People born in Dhanu Lagna are very bold in nature, they always have a fighting spirit & they will fight for Dharma & justice.
If there is an aspect of Mars on Saturn, then the person will be very calm in nature but will be extremely short-tempered & turn in violence in no time. If Saturn is aspected by the Lagna lord Jupiter, then it will drive the person deeper into spirituality or occult sciences.
Saturn In The First House For Capricorn Ascendant (Makar Lagna).

For Capricorn, Ascendant Saturn will be the lord of Lagna & 2nd houses for Makar Lagna born natives. Saturn placement as the Lagna lord in Lagna itself is considered highly auspicious.
Saturn as the lord of the 2nd house is placed in Lagna, which says the native will be a hard worker & a self-made person.
As per the classical texts, we learned earlier says the native will live a King size life, will be wealthy & prosperous.
My view: The placement of Saturn as the Lagna lord in Lagna is considered highly beneficial. But Saturn is a malefic planet & its placement in Capricorn(Makar Rasi) without any aspect or conjunctions from benefic planets will make the native egoistic, will be cruel & will not have much mercy on other living beings.
Saturn In The First House For Aquarius Ascendant (Kumbh Lagna).

For Kumbh Lagna, Saturn will be the lord of 12th & Lagna houses. The sign Aquarius is the Moolatrikona sign of Saturn. Bhrigu Sutram, Hora Shastra & Phaladeepika have stated positive results on the placement of Saturn in Kumbh Rashi.
But in any case, if Saturn is occupied with weak malefic planets, then it can make life extremely miserable. Saturn will act more like the 12th lord which will result in huge expenditure, loss of landed properties, vehicles, accidents, unexpected loss of money.
My view: Kumbh Lagna-born natives will have some Karmic debt related to financing, women & poverty. These are my personal observations from my past years’ experiences. They usually will be going through a very tough experience in the Saturn Maha Dasha period due to the lordship of the 12th house

Saturn in the First house for Pisces Ascendant (Meena Lagna).
For Meena Lagna(Pisces), Saturn will be the lord of the 11th & 12th houses. All the classical texts as we learned earlier, have stated extremely positive results when Saturn is placed in the house of Jupiter.
But Saturn having the Lordship of the 12th house will give more heights to the natives who are much involved in Spiritual activities.
The results will be completely depend on the placement of its depositor Lagna Lord Jupiter. If the Lagna lord Jupiter is weak then Saturn will show more of its negative sign of the 12th house.

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