Namaste, the article will be a comprehensive analysis of “Loss of Siblings in Astrology” with In-Depth Researched Horoscope Case Studies.
So, I will be explaining each & every practical aspect using the Jaimini, Parashara system, planetary transit & will share my practical experiences in the field of Vedic Astrology. Planetary transits will help confirm the events which are promised in the horoscope
So without any further ado, let’s dive in.

- What are the Indications of Early Death of Siblings in Astrology /Horoscope?
- How to time the death or loss of Siblings in a Horoscope?
- Horoscope illustration-1 which shows Loss of Elder Siblings
- Horoscope Illustration-2 for Loss of Siblings in Astrology
- Judging loss of Siblings in Horoscope through Jaimini Astrology
What are the Indications of Early Death of Siblings in Astrology /Horoscope?
As per Vedic Astrology, the 3rd house in a horoscope signifies the younger siblings & the 11th house over elder siblings. Any kind of loss or unfortunate event happens when the 3rd & 11th houses are badly afflicted by malefic & separative planets.
Mars(Mangal) is the significator of siblings in Vedic Astrology. Afflicted Mars & its signifying houses will cause mishaps or Early Death of Siblings. There are some important planetary combinations that play a vital role in the analysis of younger siblings are as under:-
- 3rd house from Lagna
- Placement of 3rd lord & the sign it occupies.
- Planets aspecting the 3rd house.
- The Navamsa sign occupied by the 3rd Lord.
- 3rd house from Moon sign.
- Placement of 3rd lord from the Moon sign.
- Placement of Bhatru Karaka (BK)in the horoscope & the planets it is in conjunction.
- The situation of Mars who is the Natural significator of siblings in the horoscope.
The above said planetary combinations are for the younger siblings, as the 3rd lord signifies the younger ones. But the same concept applies to the elder siblings, but we will be considering the 11th house instead of the 3rd house.
Any affliction to these houses & its Karaka(Mars), causes distress or the Early Death of Siblings.
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How to time the death or loss of Siblings in a Horoscope?
The loss or death of siblings usually occurs in:-
# 1) The Dasha- Bhukti period of planets connected with the 3rd house.
# 2) Dasha-Bhukti period of Separative planets (Rahu-Saturn-Ketu-Sun- afflicted Mars) which is somehow connected with the 3rd house.
# 3) Jaimini Chara Dasha period of the 3rd house or when the Chara Dasha of houses where BK lord is in conjunction or somehow connected with GK lord.
# 4) The Dasha- Bhukti period of Mars(Kuja) where is afflicted, retrograde & has the connection with the lords of 6-8-12 houses.
Here is the Horoscope illustration below which will help you understand much better:-
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Horoscope illustration-1 which shows Loss of Elder Siblings

The native of the horoscope has 4 elder siblings.
She lost her elder sibling on 2019 Jan 28th, when she was going through the Maha Dasha- Bhukti period of Mars-Rahu.
Mars- Rahu period was running from 16-06-2018 to 05-07-2019.
The Dasha lord Mars is retrograde in the horoscope.
Mars has the lordship of the 7th & 12th houses. This makes Mars a maraka & the 12th lordship shows the loss of houses where ever he is placed.
As per Vedic Astrology, the 11th house signifies elder siblings.
Placement of retrograde Mars in the 11th house(Pisces)L & its Depositor lord Jupiter placed in the 6th house from 11th (Leo).
This should be considered extremely negative for her Elder siblings.
In the Navamsa chart, Mars is in Neecha Avastha(Debilitated) & joins with Saturn causing “AgniMarutha Yog“.
So the Navamsa chart shows extremely negative results for her Elder Siblings in Mars Maha Dasa Period.
Dasha-Bhukti illustration of Horoscope -1

Mars- Rahu–Ketu period caused the sudden death of her elder sibling.
Mars who is also the karaka (Significator) of siblings, is placed in the nakshatra of the 11th & 8th lord Jupiter(Purva Bhadrapada)
Whereas, the bhukti lord Rahu is placed in the nakshatra of Saturn (Anuradha) who is a bhadhak & separative planet. So Saturn becomes the depositor planet for Rahu who is again placed in 7th a maraka house.
Rahu, Mars, Ketu & Saturn are considered as the first-rate separative planets in Vedic Astrology.
The Maha Dasha period strongly indicated the Loss of her Elder Siblings In the Horoscope. Now let us see what the planetary transit on 2019 Jan 28th has to say.
Planetary transits & event confirmation

The planetary transit chart will always help the astrologer to confirm the event with the help of the Dasha & bhukti period.
On this date of 28.01.2019, it should be noted that Mars transits over the natal Mars which is specially aspected by the 8th & 11th lord over the natal 11th & Mars.
Mars who is the 7th & 12th lord+ Maha Dasha lord transits over the natal Mars.
The Bhukti lord Rahu aspects the mars from cancer(Kark Rashi).
So all these combinations confirm the Loss of Elder Siblings In the Horoscope.
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Horoscope Illustration-2 for Loss of Siblings in Astrology

In the Horoscope Illustration-2, the native lost his younger sibling (brother) on 14-02-2018.
The cause of death was suicide by hanging.
The 3rd house signifies younger siblings in Vedic Astrology. The 3rd lord Saturn who also has the lordship of the 4th house is placed in Lagna(Scorpio).
The sign Scorpio is ruled by his bitter enemy Mars & also gets the aspect from the 10th house. So Saturn & Mars aspect each other which gives rise to “Agnimarutha Yog”.
In Navamsa, Saturn is placed in his own sign of Capricorn(Makar Rasi) with 8th lord mercury. At the same time, the 3rd lord Saturn is placed in Jyestha Nakshatra which is the sign ruled by the 8th lord Mercury.
Mars who is the Karaka for siblings is placed with the 10th lord Sun, 7th-12th lord Venus & Gulika which shows separation or Loss of siblings in the Horoscope.
The aspect of 3rd lord Saturn over the 10th house increases the malefic influence to the 3rd house.
The 3rd house is occupied by Moon who is the 7th lord(Maraka) lord & gets aspect of Saturn over it.
The 3rd house is devoid of aspects from benefic planets (Shubh Grahas- Jup, Ven, Mer). At the same time, the 3rd lord Saturn should be considered extremely weak due to the following reasons:-
- Placement of Saturn in the house of his bitter enemy Mars.
- Placed in his own Kroora Navamsa sign with 8th lord Mercury.
- Gets aspect of the 6th & Lagna lord Mars causing “Agnimarutha Yoga”
- The 3rd lord Mars in Navamsa is placed in the 8th house which shows
destruction. - Lagna lord Mars & the 3rd lord Saturn is 6-8 position(Sastha-Asthama) in the Navamsa chart.
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Chandra Lagna Analysis (Moon Sign)

When considered from the moon sign, the 3rd house is occupied by Rahu who is a first-rate malefic & its sign depositor lord Jupiter is Retrograde & aspects 8th house, Leo.
Retrograde Jupiter has the lordship of the 3rd as well as the 12th house too.
The 8th house from the moon sign is occupied by the 8th lord Sun, 5th & 10th lord Venus & Gulika which gives an alarming signal for longevity.
Gulika in the 8th house shows suicidal tendencies or untimely death in a native. But here Jupiter(R) is the depositor lord of Rahu which shows Rahu’s influence over the 8th house.
Rahu -Gulika influence over the 8th house shows death through Snakebite, poison, or suicide.
The 3rd house from Lagna & Moon looks severely afflicted.
Vimshottari Dasha-Bhukti illustration of Horoscope -2

It was the Vimshottari Dasa period of Rahu- Moon Bhukti- Sun pratyantara Dasa, the native who lost his younger sibling.
The Maha Dasha lord Rahu a first-rate separative planet is in the nakshatra of Saturn, who is the 3rd & 4th lord.
On the other hand, Moon the bhukti lord is the lord of a maraka house (7th) when counted from the 3rd house is aspected by the 3rd lord Saturn from the Lagna.
Saturn- Moon conjunction pulls the mind into deep thinking & as a result, it usually results in depression.
The 8th house in a horoscope signifies the life span & cause of death. When considering the 8th house from the 3rd, the 8th house is seriously afflicted & at the same time, it is aspected by the 3rd lord Saturn.
Readers should carefully note that the incident took place in the bhukti period of Maraka lord Moon & Sun who is the 8th lord(Life span) from the 3rd house.
The 8th house from the 3rd house seems to be completely shattered.
The 3rd lord Jupiter which is Retrograde is placed in the 4th house Aries & aspects the 8th house (House of destruction) & planets occupying it.
Jupiter has the lordship of the 12th house (Sagittarius) when counted from the 3rd house & it aspects 8th house (Destruction) which is occupied by Sun, Mars, Venus & gulika.
So the Vimshottari Dasha analysis clearly shows the Loss of Siblings in the Horoscope.
The 12th house from any house indicates the loss of that concerned house.
Judging loss of Siblings in Horoscope through Jaimini Astrology
Jaimini Signification | Planets |
Ak | Venus |
Amk | Saturn |
Bk | Sun |
MK | Mars |
Pk | Moon |
GK | Jupiter(R) |
DK | Mercury |
Now we will analyze the Jaimini Astrology way of judging Loss of Siblings in the Horoscope.
As per Jaimini Astrology, siblings are indicated from the Bhratri Karaka (BK) & Mars who is the natural significator of Siblings.
Bhratri Karaka (BK) is the planet with the 3rd highest degree in the horoscope. So in this horoscope Sun is the planet that has the 3rd highest degree & so he becomes the Bk as shown in the above table.
Now I will be giving a step by step analysis that will help understand Jaimini concepts much better:-

- The 3rd lord Saturn is in the Lagna aspects Moon who is the Bhadhaka lord for Vrishchik Lagna (Scorpio Ascendant)
- The 3rd Lord Saturn & Bhadhak Moon aspect each other(Jaimini Aspect) as shown in the Fig-1
- 3rd Lord Saturn & Gnati Karaka(GK) Retrograde Jupiter aspect each other which again weakens the 3rd house.
- The 3rd house Capricorn & the 10th house Leo aspects each other as shown in Fig-2.
- The 3rd occupant moon is getting the malefic aspects of Mars, Sun who is the BK, 7th & 12th lord Venus(AK) & Gulika.
- The Moon aspects the 10th house & planets occupying it.
- The 10th house is the 8th house(Destruction, Death) when considered from the 3rd house, which is seriously affected due to placements of malefic planets.
- The 10th house which is the 8th house from the 3rd(Younger Siblings) is getting the aspect of GK Jupiter(Retrograde).
- The 8th House from 3rd(10th house Leo) is aspected by the 3rd lord Saturn. Mars & Saturn aspect each other causing “Agni Marutha Yog” which I have explained earlier in the article.
All these factors have led to the destruction of the 3rd house & the Longevity of the native’s younger sibling.
Loss of Siblings through Jaimini Chara Dasa Analysis

The Jaimini Chara Dasha analysis will help to pinpoint the Loss of Siblings in the horoscope.
The Chara Dasha of the 11th house Virgo commenced on 5th Sep 2006 & ended on 5th Sep 2018 as shown in the chart above.
The 3rd house Scorpio is occupied by Amatyakarka Saturn who is the 5th & 6th lord & the 3rd lord Mars occupies the 12th house of destruction with the 12th lord Sun who is the BK( Jaimini indicator of Brother).
12th house is known as the house of losses & Destruction. Here the 3rd lord Mars who is also the natural significator of siblings is in 12th with the 12th lord Sun who is also the Bhratri Karaka(BK) in this horoscope.
The 12th house is aspected by the bitter malefic planet Saturn, who is the lord of the 5th & 6th houses from the 3rd house Scorpio.
Jupiter (Retrograde) who is the Gk, aspects the 12th house, Significator Mars & BK(Sun).
All these led to the loss of younger siblings in the Chara Dasa of Virgo- Virgo period.
Confirmation of Event: Loss of Siblings through the Transit Charts Analysis.

On 14-02-2018, is the date where the native lost his younger brother. Now let us look at the transit chart.
Moon who is the bhadhak lord, 7th lord(maraka) & mainly the bhukti lord(Lord Sub Dasha period) is transiting over the natal 3rd house & natal Moon.
Ketu is the first-rate separative planet that transits over the natal 3rd house & maraka Moon.
Rahu who is the Dasa Lord is the aspecting the 3rd house.
Saturn the 3rd lord is transiting in the 12th house of the 3rd(Sagittarius) & aspects the 8th lord Sun & Venus who is the depositor lord of Gulika.
Sun the 8th lord aspecting its own house with gulika Bhavana naatha (Venus).
Mars aspecting the 3rd house Capricorn, natal moon (Jaimini aspect), 8th lord Sun & Venus. Gulika Mars aspects each other in the transit chart.
Jupiter aspects the 8th lord Sun, Venus same as in the Natal Horoscope.
It is very surprising to see how beautifully the conjunctions in the natal horoscope directly connect with the transit event chart.
All these planetary combinations confirm the loss of Siblings in the transit chart.
So in the Horoscope Illustration-2 for Loss of Siblings in Astrology, we did an In-Depth analysis with the help of Vimshottari Dasha, Jaimini Chara Dasa + its Karaka’s & confirming the event with the transit chart.
The event is clearly matching with the Parashari system as well as Jaimini.
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Very Well Explained Vivek. Another good blog by you. Well done
Nice work 👏