Namaste, The article is all about the Astrological Predictions Delhi Assembly Elections 2020 using Prashna Analysis
I have already done the Prashna Analysis for 3 political parties (BJP, Congress, AAP) on 02.02.2020, but due to a tight schedule wasn’t able to publish.
So publishing the predictions today 07th Feb 2020.
Legislative Assembly election will be held in Delhi on 8th Feb 2020 & the result will be declared on 11.02.2020.
So without any further ado, let’s start the analysis.
I would request all my readers & followers to take this Case Study article as a pure educational content rather than using it for other political benefits.
The views presented in the article (Astrological Predictions for Delhi Assembly elections 2020) are personal & pure educational using Prashna Astrology(Horary Astrology). There is no intent to harm any political parties or leaders through it.
Note: Prashna Rashi for 3 political parties were taken on 02.02.2020. So I will be explaining each Prashna Rashi Chart of the political parties in detail.
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Prashna Astrology Predictions of BJP for Delhi Assembly Elections-2020.

Prashna Aruda obtained for BJP on 02.02.2020 at 11:54 Am with Dhanu Rashi(Sagittarius) as Aruda with its Lord Jupiter is in its own Moolatrikona sign Sagittarius with a malefic planet Ketu.
In the first impression, the Aruda & its lord Jupiter may look very powerful as it is placed in its own sign as well as it is his Moolatrikona sign too.
Here is the reason why it is not
- Aruda lord Jupiter is placed in the own sign with a bitter malefic planet Ketu & it is aspected by 2 other malefic planets Rahu & Gulika from the Bhadhaka Rashi Mithuna(Gemini).
- The Aruda is hemmed in between malefic planets Mars from the 12th house & Saturn- Sun from the 2nd house which will give rise to Paap Kartari Yog. This Yog will badly impact the strength of the aruda.
- Aruda Lord Jupiter is transiting into deep Debilitation (Makar Rashi-Capricorn) & Jupiter has 2 other malefic planets Sun- Saturn in the 2nd house as a hurdle.
- Aruda sign Dhanu being a Prasthodaya Rashi which is also considered to bring negative results.
- Gulika another malefic has done amshaka in Dhanu Rashi.
So all these points stated above says about the badly afflicted state of the Aruda
The 7th house in general, says about the public sentiments & from the 4th house, people from the lower class should be predicted.
Mercury is the 7th house & 10th lord makes him the Bhadhaka planet is placed in the 3rd house with 6th & 11th lord Venus in Kumbh Rashi (Aquarius).
The 10th lord mercury is highly afflicted with as it is the Bhadhaka lord, the Karma Lord, depositor planet of 2 malefic planets Gulika & Rahu in bhadhaka sign Mithun Rashi.
The 11th lord Venus & Karma lord Mercury is in 3-11 position from Aruda lord Jupiter which is also negative.
In Navamsa Chart 10th lord Mercury is done amshaka in the 12th house Scorpio & Jupiter is placed in Kanya Rashi again shows 3-11 position between Aruda & Karma lord.
Apart from all these, it should be noted that the 10th lord Mercury is also moving into debilitation which will badly impact the BJP chances of winning the Delhi Assembly Election 2020.
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Prashna Astrology Predictions of Congress for Delhi Assembly Elections-2020.

Prashna Aruda obtained for Congress party on 02.02.2020 at 11:57 Am with Makar Rashi (Capricorn) as Aruda with its Lord Saturn is in its own sign Capricorn with a bitter enemy planet Sun.
- Aruda being an Athomukha sign with the 8th lord Sun in it with its bitter enemy shows destruction of the sign.
- Capricorn being a Prasthodaya Rashi is negative.
- In Navamsha Rahu is occupied with its lord Saturn again badly hurts Aruda.
- Jupiter being the 3rd & 12th lord placed in the 12th house with Ketu shows huge financial loss & expenditure caused due to political campaigns & marketing.
- The 10th lord Venus & Aruda Lord Saturn in Dwi-Dwadasha position (2-12 from each other).
- 10th lord Venus joins with weak 6th lord Mercury who is also the depositor planet of Gulika & is aspected by Bhadhaka lord Mars from the 11th house makes the 10th & 6th house extremely weak.
All these planetary combinations in Prashna Chart show the weakest results in Delhi Assembly Elections 2020.
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Prashna Astrology Predictions of AAP For Delhi Assembly Elections-2020.

Prashna Aruda obtained for AAM AADMI PARTY on 02.02.2020 at 11:50 Am with Vrishab Rashi (Taurus) as Aruda with its Lord Venus who also has the lordship of the 6th house is in the 10th lord with Mercury.
There are some positive points seen in the Rashi for Delhi Assembly elections which are as under.
- Aruda being Sirshodhaya & a Fixed Rashi shows strength & stability.
- Aruda Lord Venus is placed in the 10th house & its depositor planet Saturn is placed in his own house in Capricorn with 4th lord Sun.
- 4th lord Sun connected with 9th house, 7th lord Mars placed in his own house shows the majority of the support from the public.
- Aruda & 6th Lord Venus moving into Exaltation & the exalted sign happens to be the 11th house (Gains, Success) which shows great strength to the Aruda.
- The Sign Taurus is a “TiriyanMukha Rashi” which also shows strength to the Aruda.
- In Navamshaka Aruda Lord Venus is placed with the 4th lord Sun in the 2nd house again shows the majority of the support from the common man.
- Strong Mars aspects & is placed in the 10th house when counted from the Aruda Lord Venus
So In all 3 Prashna Aruda analyzed the Prashna Rashi chart of AAP shows more strength & positive.
AAP will win the Delhi Assembly Elections 2020.
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