It was on 15th April 2019 at 18:20 CEST the fire broke out of the 850-year-old Notre Dame Cathedral church which is the most unfortunate incident that can ever happen
So as per many requests from my friends & followers, I decided to do research on Notre Dame Fire Astrology -DETAILED HOROSCOPE CASE STUDY.
As per media, the fire broke out around 6:50 pm CEST, so I have prepared horoscope as per the details.

#1st The Ascendant (Lagna) recorded at Notre Dame Fire event was Virgo (Kanya Rasi) with its lord Mercury also having the lordship of 10th house is in the deep debilitated state in the 7th house.
#2nd & 9th lord Venus in 6th house at 29:54 Degrees which is said that the planet is at Rashi Sandhi which is considered to bring inauspiciously results.
#3rd & 8th lord Mars in 9th house (DharmaStaana) Taurus(Vrishabh Rashi) in Vargottama who aspects Moon in the 12th house Leo,3rd house Scorpio(Vrischik Rasi) & 4th house Sagittarius(Dhanu Rashi)
Note: Malefic planet in 9th house is considered to bring highly inauspicious results, Keep reading below I have explained every concept in detail.
#4th & 7th lord Jupiter in its own house Sagittarius(Dhanu Rashi), Retrograde(Vakra), in its Moolatrikona sign is with 5th & 6th house lord Saturn & Ketu.
#Jupiter also having the “Kendradhipati dosha” which literally happens when a natural benefic planet becomes the ruler of Kendra houses 1,4,7& 10(Quadrant signs).
#Apart from that Jupiter is in Mool Nakshatra-1st Pada which gives rise to Gandanta Dosha(Moola Gandanta).
Even though Jupiter is in his own sign & also having the Moolatrikona power still will confer negative results as mentioned below:-
- Kendradhipati Dosha
- Gandanta Dosha
- Retrograde
#5th & 6th lord Saturn in Sagittarius(Dhanu Rashi) joins with Ketu, Jupiter & getting the malefic aspect of Mars & Rahu. The aspect of Mars on Saturn gives rise to “Agni Marutha Yoga” which results in destructions to whichever houses it occurs.
#11th lord Moon in the 12th which is the house of secret enemies is getting malefic aspect from 8th lord Mars & mutually aspects Venus who is in the 6th house.
#12th Lord Sun exalted in the 8th house of mystic, hidden secrets, destruction & placed in Aswini nakshatra -1st Pada which gives rise to Gandanta Dosha, same as we discussed for Jupiter. Note that Sun who is the 12th lord is in Vargottama.
All the above planetary combinations are to be noted while doing Astrological Analysis on Notre Dame Cathedral fire.
Now take a look at the video below to understand the entire story of Norte Dame Cathedral Fire.
Kanya Lagna(Virgo) with its lord Mercury in debilitated in the 7th house & its depositor lord Jupiter in Gandanta nakshatra joins with 5th & 6th lord Saturn, malefic Ketu & aspect from the 3rd & 8th lord Mars.
Usually, Saturn alone in Sagittarius does not have negative effects, it is very good for all spiritual organizations, Churches. Temples etc.
Saturn is a very good judge in the house of Jupiter, but things completely changed when Ketu joined Saturn on March 6th, 2019.
On March 5th, 2019 I published a detailed article on the major transit of Saturn-Ketu conjunction & I have clearly predicted that Kanya Rasi(Virgo) has to be careful when dealing with fire & sudden damages or accidents to vehicles. Take a look at the screenshot of my predictions below.

Now look at the 2nd Screenshot of my predictions below on Kanya Rasi which says a line
More protection to Hindu temples & other religious places should be given as Mars the 8th Lord transit in the 9th house shows destructions or damages to it.

I am posting the slides & link of the article for reference.
Request to please go through it which will help you to understand more about my predictions on Saturn-Ketu Conjunction in Sagittarius
Read: How will be the Saturn + Ketu transit in Sagittarius (Dhanu Rasi) on March 6th, 2019 be like?
I am also adding the slides below for reference.
How will be the Saturn Ketu transit in Sagittarius 2019-2020 from Astrologer M.C.Vivek
Astrologically a big yes! I have real valid points to prove it with Vedic Astrology.

1) As seen in the (fig-2), the 3rd & 8th lord Mars in 9th house special aspects Saturn who is the 6th lord, which gave rise to the most dangerous Yog called “AGNI MARUDA Yoga”
2) 3rd lord Mars who is also the ruler of the 8th house(Destruction, Mystery, Secrets) is placed in the 9th (Taurus) & aspects the 12th house(Secret enemy)

3) 6th house is a human sign(Aquarius) its lord Saturn also occupies the 4th house(Sagittarius) which is also another Human Sign (Manushya Rashi) & aspects the 6th house as shown in (Fig-2.1)
4) As per the Vedic text “Prasna Marga” 14th Chapter- 25 Sloka, when a bhava lord aspects the bhava it increases the strength of that sign. So here, in this case, 6th house, the sign of enemies will boost up.
5) 6th house having the relation of AGNI MARUDA Yoga(Saturn+ Mars), which itself clearly says the proof of the terrorist activity.
6) 6th lord Saturn & Lagna lord Mercury who is in deep debilitation both aspects Lagna.

7) Moon who is the debilitated lord of the 3rd house(Scorpio) & exalted lord of the 9th house(Taurus) is in 12th which is the house of the secret enemy (12th house) & aspects the 6th house as shown in (Fig-2.2)
Mars aspects Moon who is in the house of the secret enemy(12th house) & makes another destructive Yog.
So there is a clear connection between 3,6,8,9 & 12 houses.
Usually, bloodsheds, rape, molestations, illegal drugs, illegal liquor sales, giving pain to mother, etc are the results.
#Many Astrologers researchers & scholars may not agree with me. This principle can be mainly applied very well in Prasna Horoscope Analysis.
All these points undoubtedly says this was a clear terrorist attack.
What does it indicate if the 6th lord has relation to 3rd Lord?
3rd house relation to 6th house means enemy or thief is someone who is very attached, workers or helping hands to the NOTRE DAME CATHEDRAL.
The 12th house is the secret enemy & 8th house is the house of destruction.
Mars who is the exalted Lord of the 5th house Capricorn says NOTRE DAME fire attack was a well planned terrorist attack.
The 6th house is seen very prominent in the horoscope.
Recommended Reading- Birth Chart Analysis of A Digital Marketer: Detailed Horoscope Case Study
Astrologically the 6th house rules over enemies.

As shown in the (Fig-2.3) 6th house is occupied by Venus who is being aspected by the Moon from the 12th house & the 6th lord Saturn from the 4th house clearly says about the involvement of Women in it.
As per the famous Astrology text Hora Shastra, it clearly says the sloka as below;
Which literally means Moon & Venus are feminine planets.
Things will get better in the future as the 11th lord Moon is in its own house in Navamsha chart. Strong 11th lord shows huge funds flowing which will help to renovate Notre Dame Cathedral.

Now we will be doing a Prasna Analysis to find out the exact situation of the deity, the reason behind the fire & to know more about the priests & all internal matters.
This is the same system we follow in temples which are called Asthamangala Prasna.
Prasna Analysis is the oldest traditional Horary based predicting system from Kerala(India) which is done using Cowrie shells. Now, let us move forward & analyze the chart.

Prasna Analysis taken on 18.04.2019 at 11:06 Am, Place: Kerala(India)
Aruda obtained while doing Prasna Analysis was Kanya Rasi, which is the same sign we got in the horoscope analysis also.
Mercury being the 10th lord in Bhadhaka house with 2nd & 9th lord Venus says about the deep depression state of the Virgin Mary.
Bhadhaka house literally means the house of harm. In the upcoming coming lines, I will be mentioning the term “Bhadhaka” & “Badha” to analyze the Prasna chart.
In Prasna analysis the Kendra houses(Quadrant signs) suggest about the walls of the NOTRE DAME CATHEDRAL.
In Prasna chart 6th lord also aspects the feminine planet moon which also says the involvement of Women in the Notre Dame Cathedral Fire attack.
Here all the malefic planets are in the 4th house, including Jupiter which should not be considered as a benefic planet since it is the Bhadhaka lord for Upaya Rashi(Cardinal Signs).
#For Kanya Rashi(Virgo), the Bhadhaka sign is the 7th house, its lord Jupiter who is also the 4th lord is in the 4th house.

#As per Prasna Marga (15th chapter- 28th sloka), if Bhadhaka lord occupies 4th house it will give rise to “Dharma Deva Bhadha” which in this case should be taken as the wrath of the deity as shown in (Fig-2.4)

#So here, in this case, it says the wrath of the deity is pretty strong due to the conjunction of the Bhadhaka Lord Jupiter with 5th & 6th lord Saturn & 3rd,8th lord Mars. The involvement of the 6th lord in the conjunction makes the situation hard to resolve as shown in the (Fig-2.5)
#Apart from that the Navamshaka position of the Bhadhaka lord Jupiter is in 8th house (Aries or Mesh Rashi) which again says about the anger of the deity.
#5th house is known as the Mantra Punya Staana, which says about the daily chants & prayers.
Here 5th lord Saturn is in 12th from the 5th joined with Ketu & Retrograde Jupiter. (12th is the loss of the 5th which here is the 4th house)
All the combinations say the prayers & chants are also not properly done as it used to be done in early times.
#6th lord Saturn in 4th with Bhadhaka lord Jupiter gives rise to “Shatru Bhadha” which means(Troubles from enemies) as stated in Prasna Marga (15th chapter- 137 sloka).
Shatru Bhaadha occurs as follows
1) Bhadha Lord should occupy 6th house
2) Bhadha Lord aspects 6th house
3) 6th lord occupies 6th house
4) 6th lord aspects Bhadhaka house
5) 6thlord occupies in Bhadhaka house & Bhadhaka Lord occupies 6th house
6) 6th lord & Bhadhaka lord occupies the same sign
7) 6th lord & Bhadhaka lord aspects the same sign
# Note: If the 7 points stated above are seen in the Prasna Horoscope chart & the strength of the Bhadhaka should be decided according to the above points. If the chart shows only 1 point of the above then the Shatru Bhadha has very less importance. If more than one is seen then the Shatru Bhadha will be seen stronger.
So here in Prasna chart the 6th &7th point clearly confirms the “Shatru Bhadha“
1)6th Lord Saturn & Bhadhaka lord Jupiter occupies the same house of Sagittarius(Dhanu Rasi).
2)6th Lord Saturn & Bhadhaka lord Jupiter aspects the same sign Gemini(Mithuna).
As we said earlier in the horoscope analysis part that Norte Dame Cathedral Fire is a clear terrorist activity & apart from that in the Prasna analysis, we found many more things regarding the Deity(Virgin Mary).
#As per Prasna analysis, the future should be predicted using Udaya Lagna which is, in this case, is Mithun Rashi(Gemini Sign)
#Udaya Lagna is occupied by Rahu and Gulika, which says the work of the church will stay paused for many years. Gulika placement in Udaya Lagna pauses the renovation process.

#The aspect of Saturn on Rahu & Gulika again delays the process, & says it is not possible to get back into the same situation as before it used to be. The stains of burns will stay there for long as Saturn is the significator of Dirt & stains as shown in the (Fig-2.6)
#But the aspect of Retrograde Jupiter from the 7th house will make the work faster with the help of Devotes & public. Public help should be said from the 7th & 10house as Jupiter owns both the houses from Udaya Lagna.
# Udaya Aruda Lord Mercury exalted in Navamsha Rashi which shows the future of Notre Dame Cathredal looks extremely positive & will be built in a much stronger way but after a long gap.
I am seriously stunned & surprised to see both the ascendants of the Prasna chart & the event Horoscope are both same.
Apart from that Virgo is a feminine sign & represents a virgin lady which again shows the divine presence of “Mother Mary”
Isn’t that a coincidence?
I will consider this as a miracle & it seems like Virgin Mary is trying to convey straight out messages through this.
Also Read: Saturn In The First House- Detailed Guide In Vedic Astrology
On April 17th, 2019, I conducted a poll on Twitter on damages caused to Religious or any spiritual organizations after March 7th, 2019?
The answer was more than 3 events as stated below.

The Christchurch mosque shootings which happened on 15.03.2019(Friday) were two consecutive terrorist attacks at mosques in Christchurch which killed 50 people & left 50 injured.

On March 18th, 2019,12 idols of Deities from Natveer Baba Mandir at Padri Bazar in Gorakhpur city(UP) were found damaged and thrown on the street by unknown persons created huge tensions. (News Source: Hindu Janajagruthi Samithi)


On 15.04.2019, just before 18:20, a structure fire broke out from the roof of Notre Dame Cathedral. It took over 15 hours to get extinguished & left the building’s spire & its roof destroyed & its upper wall severely damaged.
While writing on the Notre Dame Fire incident, I just now saw news of another terror striking in Srilanka which kills over 290 + & left 500 people injured on the auspicious eve of Ester.
This time 8 blasts rock the Island nation which took place in 3 churches & 3 hotels in Colombo
While doing research on Notre Dame Fire Astrology-Detailed Horoscope Case study, I was facing many hurdles & disturbances in between & it took around 8 days to complete the research.
Friends, I hope you enjoyed reading it & if you liked it I would request you to please give it a share.
Your share will be extremely helpful to spread my message and knowledge to the Astrology community.
I will be publishing more real Horscope Case studies in our Astrology Research Portal which will help all of you to get the practical touch with Vedic Astrology. Thanks a lot for your support.
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