Namaste, The article is based on my Astrological Predictions on the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom -2022, which was predicted on July 22nd 2022 on Twitter.
Later a detailed video was uploaded on Astrological Predictions for UK Elections-2022 to my Youtube channel M.C.Vivek-Astrology Research Portal.
I have tried to collect the exact birth details of both Rishi Sunak as well as of Lizz Truss (Mary Elizabeth Truss. But all my efforts went unsuccessful.
So in the absence of proper birth details, I have opted to do an analysis using the Kerala-based Prashna Astrology using Corwry shells.
The final announcement of the new PM of the UK will be made on 5th Sep 2022. So without any further ado, let’s get into the Astrological analysis.
Prashna Horoscope Analysis of Rishi Sunak

Prashna for Rishi Sunak, age: 42, Ashwini Nakshatra (Birth Star), obtained Aruda was Cancer Zodiac where the Aruda lord Moon is in the 10th house Aries with the 10th lord Mars causing Ruchaka Yoga as well as Sasi Mangala yoga.
The same combination is also joined with Rahu making the 10th house & aruda cause serious afflictions.
Now Let’s dive deep into some of the key points of the Prashna:-
- Aruda being the watery sign of Cancer shows deep emotions & anxiety for Rishi Sunak. This also shows sleep disorders.
- Sign being a Pristhodaya Rasi
- Aruda being movable & Adhomukha Rasi
- The sign occupied by the 12th lord Mercury with Sun may cause lots of damage to the query.
- Aruda lord Moon has done neecha amsha (debilitated in the Navamsa).
- The aspect of the retrograde 8th lord Saturn over to the aruda.
“As a result, I don’t see many positive signs for Mr. Rishi Sunak”
Prashna Horoscope Analysis of Liz Truss

Prashna Aruda : Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio)
Prashna Date: 22-07-2022
Prashna Time: 1:01 Pm
Kalahora: Sun
- Prashna Aruda for Liz Truss, age: 46, Satabhisha Nakshatra (Birth Star), obtained was Scorpio.
- Aruda lord Mars also being the 6th lord is in the 6th house of competition, and conjoins with the 9th lord moon & Rahu who is the key significator planet for politicians.
Some of the positive aspects of prashna that I felt were:-
- Aruda being a fixed sign shows stability
- Tiriyanmukha rasi
- Sign being a Shirshodaya Rasi
- The 5th lord Jupiter signifies higher power (Ministership) in the 5th house itself aspecting the Scorpio Aruda
- The 5th lord Jupiter did navamsa in the same sign with the 9th lord Moon which is a strong sign of Kesari yoga & conjoins with Rahu.
- The 10th lord Sun joins with the 8th & 11th lord Mercury causing Nipuna Yoga in the Bagyastaana.
- The 10th lord Sun has done Navamsa in his own house (Swakshetra).
- Aruda lord Mars aspects the 10th Sun & Mercury who is the 8th & 11th lord. Both are on the 4-10 axis.
- Finally the placement of Mars who is the lord of Aruda & 6th house in the 11th house Virgo with Saturn who is the key significator of Masses.
Meanwhile, these are the screenshots of a series of my tweets on 22nd July 2022.
#Tweet 1




Conclusion: Uk Elections-2022

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